a good read - mrs. mclean

Friday, April 20, 2012

While I'm organizing my many design nerd photos (!!!) over the weekend, I wanted to introduce this lovely lady. I've been reading her autobiography which I purchased in her home town.

She's famously known as the owner of this little bauble.

Her book is wonderful for some light spring/summer reading. She retells the story of her life, from childhood in the Colorado mining towns to society in D.C., Newport, Palm Beach and Bar Harbor. It is a really wonderful story, painted with both tragedy and excitement. I really love how her narrative perfectly encapsulates the spirit of the time.

Images courtesy of the Smithsonian
ArchitectDesign™ said...

So it's good? I've had it on my amazon.com wish list for years now.
Her house here in DC is amazing -now the Indonesian embassy. I was able to tour it a few years ago and did a blog post if you're interested -it's very over the top!
I think you'll enjoy!

Ann said...

Stefan, you should absolutely pick it up. It is the perfect beach read. I'm so glad you posted that tour. After reading her book, you almost feel as you know her. Even more so after peeking into her house!